Wednesday, June 06, 2007

On my bike....

I'm now officially car-less. It's a sad state to be in, as to get to work by public transport takes at least 2.5 times as long as driving. So, this morning I attempted the impossible...

I cycled to work!!

Amazingly, it took around the same time as it does on the bus, but is far healthier and cheaper. I may try again sometime.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007 Spring!

Well, it started off okay. A nice easy walk from Mannlichen to Kleine Schiedegg, enjoying the alpine flowers. It was drizzling, but an okay day. Then, we woke up to this....

Not quite what I'd planned for! Would've been fun if I'd had my skis with me. Still, we made the best of it, and had quite a lot of sun for the rest of the week.

Most of the mountain paths were closed due to snow/avalanche risk, but did manage to First-Bachalpsee in knee deep snow. I guess I'll just have to go back when the weather is better.