Monday, December 22, 2008


Having finished work for Christmas on Friday, I was watching the weather forecasts with interest. MWIS predicted that the high pressure system in place would give good clear weather, so I booked into Ingleton Youth Hostel for the princely sum of £8.

I drove up from Sheffield first thing this morning, and was met by low cloud and mist at Ribbleshead. I had decided that I would just do a round walk by Whernside, rather than attempting to do the "3 Peaks" in the day. Because of the number of people that are attracted to the area, the paths are well marked and generally bulldozed. This meant that navigation wasn't an issue, even in the poor visibility.

There were a few breaks in the cloud, but not when I was at the summit. It wasn't a day for lingering on the top, so I ate lunch as I started the walk back down. There were some people out, but only the occasional one or two. With it not really being the day I'd hoped for, I cut the walk short and headed back to the car. I'll save Ingleborough for another day!

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